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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Last time i say wan post my hamsters pics up..so ...
Who wants hamsters?
4th of july!!


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My Thoughts~
Written at Saturday, 23 June 2007 | back to top

ytd..the electricity bill came..
it was about 70 plus..(i think it was due to my laptop)
and mummy was super unhappy..
it is considered quite a lot as there is only both of us in the family..
and both of us are short of money this month..
coz i haven got my pay
there are many bills that are unpaid..
my mom was like worrying the money problems..
i told her to get another job..
with better BOSS and WORKING HOURS..
her boss seem to control every areas of her life..
what my mom goes ,she probe her bout it..
i rem one time very vividly..
her boss came up to our house at bout MIDNIGHT to scold her..
this happens not only once..
i should not continue anymore..
since young..i have been 'educated' to off the lights when im not in room
thngs like dat..
im willing to follow coz i noe working for my mom isn't easy..
some times i did not even dare to take money from my mom when i noe she is short of money..
didn wan to add to her stress..
so i took up part time jobs..
so i do not have to take money from mummy
and i can help her in times of needy..
i really thank my aunty for helping my mom and oso buying things i need that she noes my mom cant afford it..although she might not read this..
i really thank her..i feel that i owe her a lot..
and i think mommy feels this way too..
im quite sad for my mom this days..
she seem to be discouraged..
always got that thinking that she cant do it..
but i will still egg her on until she makes it one day..
some times i do envy of ppl having a happy family..
and thats give mi the courage to be successful one day and give my mom a good life..
she has been having a hard life..T_T
my mom is the reason that im here today..