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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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came back from work le..now MUGGING!!i haven even ...
im working right now!!hehes! slacking..i think im ...
-19 july- wasnt feeling happy..quarrelled with my ...
-19th july-
hi!! im here!!sorry for not blogging for the past ...
ok ppl..thanks for ya concern..miki,shiyi and ryn ...
so pissed today..when i go to see my blog and tagg...
hihi!! ^^i've got my pay..super happy de can..haha...


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Written at Wednesday, 25 July 2007 | back to top

hi!! annyeong!!
two days din blog le..
cuz very busy..
got tests and tutorials..

-23th july-
nothing special to say bout i think..

-24th july-
had my sfp quiz
didn have much confidence on that
cuz what i focused on din come out
just hope that i will pass..

-25th july-
today is such a bad day for mi
really pissed off
that outcast is just too stuck up
who she think she is
since she dun have the patience to wait
just **** off la..
and since she thinks she's that clever,
come do the experiment for mi la..
u can get the accurate results den say..
poor shiyi oso kena
this kind of people sure get beaten up by people someday de
basic manners oso dunno..

after pipc lab..
went to com lab to do our csas project
now super stressed
cuz left only two days and yet my speech is not even up
i dunno exactly how to categorise them into point form
cuz they are inter-linked together
friday is our presentation day and hap quiz day
and WTH.. i haven even touched hap
oh gosh!
i dun wanna fail hap..

tml sfp lab we're gonna bake!! YAY!!
so happy..
and so sad too.. cuz i'm unable to eat them
i can only watch them eating then..

csasing now..
hopefully i can start studying hap today...
hope so...