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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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days without handphone is truly miserable..other t...
K800i Lost!!!
ITS CCN DAY TODAY!!HAHAS! our class has finished s...
everything's fine now!!(:fc quiz is done..quite ok...
Its so so long since i have blogged...dunno y i'm ...
I WAN MY VOICE BACK!!!my voice is like getting fro...
Hi all!!vivien is back again..school reopens today...


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Written at Tuesday, 4 December 2007 | back to top

Christmas is coming soon..
term test is also coming soon..
luckily only four subjects to study..
fighting fighting!!
must work hard..since i didn score well last term..
so i must work hard this term!! ya!!

and also work hard to earn lots lots money!!
im broke!!
the feeling of having no money is not good ya..

and i have already thought of calling my aunty to buy my phone for me..hehes..
dunno whether she will agree..hope she will~~(:
and daddy buying psp for me..
hahas!! no stock for pink!

and im going mad soon!!
no music for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!