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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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totally screw up both my bmic and bnf test manthis...
FRIENDSTER HOROSCOPE (quite true!!)It might feel l...
EXAM TIMETABLE IS OUT!!Bmic-22 FebBNF-25 FebFC-26 ...
had csas test today..felt so panicky before it cuz...
ryn maged me ytd to ask if im alright..haha..im fi...
YIPEE!!!feeling much much better now..hehesthanks ...
didn go for work todaywas so tired...somehow my he...
love this song so much '三个心愿' by F.I.R〉clearly dep...
im starting to feel stress....had my BFA test toda...


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Written at Sunday, 27 January 2008 | back to top

26th feb
630am-woke up to bathe..
810am-reached tampines inter
1300pm-starteam training (slept halfway during training...)
1200am plus-released from work
0100am plus plus -reached home (mama has already cooked finished maggie for me and placed on table..)
0200am-go bathe
0200am plus-go sleep

seeing such a hectic schedule, i was seriously jaded..
0630am woke up and 0800 go do newspaer collecting
although its tired, there are still some fun parts in it especially when theres rynryn around..
shes so shuay that every door she went to, theres animals that shes afraid of..
while im with her, but i didn meet any..lol
she even kenna 'kiap' by the lift door because of me!!
so sorry girl..
different lift door buttons lah..not used to it((:
we even got energy to sing after the activity
we became our class duet choir!!!
‘梁山伯与朱丽叶’is all time fav ya??

hurry to buy working shoes after that
ate a dabao only on the way in taxi with yi bin
working is soo tired ytd..
must probably due to loss of energy in e morning ba

sem exam is coming..
feeling of stress is coming up!!
jia you!!