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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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shiyi talked to me bout protecting myself today.....
perfect day+right one=happiness...(: tutorials, tu...
camwhoring in the toilet!we can even use the guest...
sorry guys for not updating recently..not because ...
This is a REAL christmas tree!!! Isn't it beautifu...
changed my blogskinso peeps, how was it??(:changed...
Celebrating X'Mas today..its quite early ya..cuz n...
bought my W910i today!!!didn buy my samsung mp3..i...
happy day today with shiyi and tauki..saw shiyi's ...


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Written at Wednesday, 9 January 2008 | back to top

did not manage to see him when i went Sentosa the previous day..
was quite disappointed..
didn manage to get my pay as well..
double disappointment
and to be honest, after hearing my friends say that i look naive,
i am actually quite afraid that i will be 'pian' by him..
but then...i have full confidence in him..
should not think too much ya...
i trust him..
looking forward to the day i'll see him...(: