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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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finally done something for CaT ytdmet rynryn at te...
i just hoped that i can pass NLS and CaT..good luc...
Im gonna make full use of whatever time i have lef...
FI is quite easy eh..so happy to say thatbut i thi...
我们之间是不是有沟通问题。。。。我也不知道。。working hard for FIstress i...
so much to do and so little time..counting down 5 ...
oh this is my bruise todaywhat shape does it look...
finally finished my FI report and 3 day food recor...
finally done with my FI reportso happy canyesterda...
Hey peeps! term test timetable has come out!pls go...


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Written at Friday, 13 June 2008 | back to top

so long no update le
went to work ytd
its kinda relaxing as compared to others
but i still have got bodyaches all over today
my friend and i fell down while running to the office to get our bags
kinda fun but embarrassing too
long story eh

NLS meeting at 11am today
woke up at 10.20+am
hurried down to bus stop
and my bus 8 just zoomed off in front of me ):
waited for a while for e next one
im so tired that i might be sleeping awake on e bus LOL
ben and sy were waiting for me outside e lib and i din even notice them!!
thanks ya
work is being splitted and we were done for e day
wasted our time ya and my sleep
we could have splited work at home over e net
after that, we went Long John Silver's to try the new combo
forgot whats e name le

for next week,

how no life and boring can this be?
i have booked all these days for work
and now, i have to rebook
haiizzz......so sad
think cannot pay mama money when sch reopen liao
i wan more money!!!!!!!!