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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Flavor Of LifeArigatou to kimi ni iwareru to nanda...
finally...left only CaT and ApFS presentation and ...
没想到过了一个月了我还是放不下一个人的时候,好想你 也好难过哦。。i regretted what ...
YTd work is generally okayquite fast for our group...
two projects downfinally~ApFS and CaThad our CaT i...
school is practically alright todaywith late class...
i think this is the last time we gonna see each ot...
原来忘不了一个人的感觉很不好今天一阵子。。。我心痛得好厉害也好伤心 之前的每一段恋情分手了以后,伤心...
唉造成压力的障碍物什么时候能干掉呢?还有两个project要做可是下星期有三个测验啊我的妈呀 又要念...
CaT project processed quite smoothly todayWE HAVE...


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Written at Sunday, 3 August 2008 | back to top

i'm feeling miserable
even a single message u dun even reply
although u said we should concentrate on studies first
but i just wanted an answer
an confirmation
even this u cant give me??


what am i supposed to do?
to stay or to leave..