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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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SCVK~~~~<3 angel~i love this picture expecially23r...
omgi never think there will be such a person exist...
Hi all!TIMETABLE IS OUT!!~kinda pleased with this ...
yay!got my LG Kc550 pink and ipod nano pink!wa..we...
AH!LG KC550im so in love with thisbesides its 5 me...


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Written at Tuesday, 28 October 2008 | back to top

fri and sat
been accompaning and playing with di di
addicted to playing voodoominis recently after didi's recommendation to me LOL
due to me first time playing, my acc or rather di di's acc was being stolen!
haha not stolen actually
i told the person the user id and password myself de
but unwillingly
the other party says she want to help me train
then was told to give her my id and pw
i kept asking didi whether got ppl like dat one
he told me got
so we two sha sha kenna scammed
created another acc then
i'm level 10 ler! HURRAY!

went to bedok inter walk walk with didi and papa
brought didi back to gugu house with mama later at night
then mama was chatting with gugu
heard a lot of stories about didi when he was young
poor little kid
i think he is more kelian than me
i bet ur tears will surely fall if u knew what happened when he was young
without gugu, there may not be didi living until now

projects are going on smoothly
super satisfied with my fpqap group members
and our research progress are going on well
good news yea..