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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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AdFS quiz tml..was rebonding my hair nowcus i foun...
been quite busy in school todayjust done with ComN...
my new year resolutions:-improve on my studies-hop...
the cute cat i accompany to bugis to collect..ver...
my heart is hurting...
school reopening soon...YUCKS!
satwent yunnan to check up on my hairi realised my...
it has been very windy this few daysnot only at ni...
watched miss no good the whole day todaysupposed t...


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Written at Sunday, 18 January 2009 | back to top

im so busy this week!
just like coryn said
just one more week and we'll be FREE!

comn report and adfs report to rush!
im gonna pull all my hair out!!
stress to the MAX alr...

no work this week
friday cant go for work
sat got no function
thus im free this week

yi ma is going to USA
sab is going too

so she's helping me to get clothes
yi ma going to buy levi's from there
maybe im calling sab to help me get jeans and denim skirt there
hoo hoo!
they are going for two weeks
looks like im gonna lots of new clothes!