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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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SHE'S CUTE YA?? HER INNOCENT FACE.. sexy florence....
today after work,i was in the bus..then one uncle ...
finish csas speech today..not very satisfied..had ...
hi~!sorry for updating for soo long..got no chance...
our group will be presenting next weekits better t...
oh ya!! forgot to blog bout sth..CONGRATULATIONS T...
had fun day..the main event today is baking!!our g...
hi!! annyeong!!two days din blog le..cuz very busy...


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Written at Monday, 6 August 2007 | back to top

faizah and sykin (spelled correctly??)
vannessa, faizah, eveleen and sykin..
lau..always with that pose de..hahas
see sork leng..LOL
hahas! ryn no image le..LOL
the two bdae girls..difference is only by one day..
the one, three, five pose LOL
acting kawaii..cute right??
the moo moo smile..*smile wide wide
man hong is looking my camera!! LOL

the b'dae girl!
the cake..last minute buy de..^^
had a so called class outing..
to celebrate kiki and faizah's bdae..
went to TM seoul garden..
bought a skull necklace for kiki..
she loved it..
actually wanna buy a skull ring for her(cuz she lost hers)
but no stock already..
sorry to ryn..
didn noe u are unhappy at all..
sorry for not being there to console..
dun everything keep urself ya??