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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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At KFC..LOL!! pressies from the girls to the teac...
im so happy! have a new blogskin that i <3>went ba...
At Dhoby Ghaut mrt just now..waiting for mrt..wit...
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as expected..HAP is not easy..especially mcq qns.....
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wa!! i screwed up my sfp practical today!!demostra...
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Written at Tuesday, 4 September 2007 | back to top

Let mi tell you all more about what i have done for the past three days.

was supposed to meet prist they all to buy our food at Sheng Siong at 6.45am
but my mother intelligently switched off the alarm clock
so im late..
only woke up on 7 plus..
chiong down to school by cab..
luckily they haven set off..
when we reach camp christine,
load the things down..
the girls then start to pitch the tent..
YAs are so xinfu..
totally no need to do a single thing..
need la but no much..
had catered food for lunch..
i forgot what i eat le..

woke up at 730am..
only YAs woke up this late..
the girls are already all up, and had prepared the breakfast..
start to write to my maneto..
i bet u all dunno whats maneto..
maneto simply means 'secret friend'
i know the person i am writing to but she wont noe who am i..
maneto have to write notes to her maneto and put inside her cup..
notes of encouragement or fold cranes like that and stuff for ur maneto..

was very excited to see the first note from my maneto..
her handwriting was illegible..
so i tot that it must be one of the juniors who wrote it to me..
then i ask prist they all whether they saw anyone putting in the notes..
i was feeling weird because at the point of time, everyone was busy..
and only the YAs are not busy and sitting around there..
but didn think much into it..

the activities that day were
-outdoor cooking
i marinated the whole chicken and i ask everyone and they said that the chicken is nice!!
was cooking halfway and it started drizzling..
you can see everyone rushing here and there..
some very busy closing the tent doors and some were making the emergency shelter to cover their fire..
this is our lunch..

for our dinner..
we had barbeque..
after the dinner..
we had activity like teaching the girls to make the balloons into many different animals..
camp was never that relaxing like this year...
i mean that we never had activities that are soo relaxing like balloon-making
due some mistakes by the sec threes, activity was changed to balloon making..
mrs oon was so scared of the balloon but she still tries to make the balloon..
she looks so cute..
hahas! LOL!
we were all laughing at her..

had breakfast
the girls then started to tear down everything and wash up..
head to school and finally dismissed..

the worst thing of this camp that we are so scared of is the
the water is simply so cold that u can shiver while you are bathing..
and i never fail to get some treats from the mosquitoes when i go camp..

surprised to see that camp this year is unexpectedly relaxing which we never have..
at least for damai girl guides..
our camp is always tough..
of course there are fun times too..
This is those tough times of tekaning from seniors we undergo makes us people of strong, disciplined character and personality..
those tough times make the bonding between sister guides closer than any real siblings..

what i'll never forget in my life is
the love in guides
the fun in guides
and of course my friends in guides..