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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Written at Sunday, 9 September 2007 | back to top

was soo bored today..
went to work..
late as usual..
but im a part timer so never mind..
actually i was going with Yi Bin to interview for the Shangrila hotel after work..
i was looking forward to it!!
but they need my IC but i lost it..):
so cant go lo..
plus my mother was not very agreeing with it..
she thought hotel is still not a very nice place to work in..
but i really want to work there..
as i wanna to change a working environment very much and also its flexible working time so i can continue to work in NTUC..
Shall hear from Yi Bin whether i casn use passport as replacement or not..
so i went home after work..
was so tired and slept until 8pm
went grandma house for dinner
and my cousin came my house for cutting hair..
so bored!!
looking forward to next week
hahas! LOL (: