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Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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10th - Bmic 11th - Mst 212th - Bnf13th - Fc only f...
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days without handphone is truly miserable..other t...
K800i Lost!!!
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Written at Sunday, 9 December 2007 | back to top

was so busy yesterday..
it was a british ball and there are 900 guests!!
oh my god..
they are real good drinkers, you should see amount of empty wine and hard liquor bottles left ytd
i have never the bar so busy before..
cant get drinks
british crowding at the bar, waiting impatiently for their drinks to be served
there are tons of different wine, beers, hard liquors and mixers ytd..(too much to be mentioned)
and if the waitress manage to get a glass of white wine or red wine for them,
they would say 'you're my angel' or rather kiss ur hand(yucks!)

they are so drunk ytd that one of the guest actually pulled one of the staff to dance..
lol..its so funny..
you should see the staff's face
she looked so helpless and puzzled..
and yet she cant move away cuz the guest was holding on her shoulder

happiness is what i have now(:

and good luck to everyone and me and U for bmic tml..
gonna get all those virus, algae blah blah into my head..
haiis...and FIGHTING!!(: