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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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did not manage to see him when i went Sentosa the ...
shiyi talked to me bout protecting myself today.....
perfect day+right one=happiness...(: tutorials, tu...
camwhoring in the toilet!we can even use the guest...
sorry guys for not updating recently..not because ...
This is a REAL christmas tree!!! Isn't it beautifu...
changed my blogskinso peeps, how was it??(:changed...
Celebrating X'Mas today..its quite early ya..cuz n...
bought my W910i today!!!didn buy my samsung mp3..i...


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Written at Friday, 11 January 2008 | back to top

the $3 dollars bus ticket for one entry
didn manage to take the 'S'..lol~~
Been running up and down Sentosa recently
i've already went Sentosa four times from start of 2008
amazing isnt..
although its tiring, but i dun mind it..
the first time i went Sentosa this yr, its with yun yun to work at Amara
the subsequent times are to find him and to collect my pay..
Happiness is all im feeling right now
we talked about almost anything under the sun
from studies, to us and future
was very relaxing with him and i felt that there isnt a need to put on a fake mask
have a strong feeling that he's the one for me
and i'm pretty sure about that(:
very worried about yun yun..
why cant guys be more tie xin..
i cant do anything to help her at all
cuz i know he is the one that she wants
and he promised me that he will be the different guy..(: