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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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26th feb630am-woke up to bathe..810am-reached tamp...
totally screw up both my bmic and bnf test manthis...
FRIENDSTER HOROSCOPE (quite true!!)It might feel l...
EXAM TIMETABLE IS OUT!!Bmic-22 FebBNF-25 FebFC-26 ...
had csas test today..felt so panicky before it cuz...
ryn maged me ytd to ask if im alright..haha..im fi...
YIPEE!!!feeling much much better now..hehesthanks ...
didn go for work todaywas so tired...somehow my he...
love this song so much '三个心愿' by F.I.R〉clearly dep...


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Written at Friday, 1 February 2008 | back to top

reached home at 2 plus ytd in e morning
im the last one to go home..argh )=
mummy dragged me up today for school..
reached school only at 94o plus
40 min late..hahas!

today ryn mama and sy are all making fun of me..
mama dun want me..
sy make fun of me..
i know they are joking de..

psychology test tml..dunno whether i can get all theories dumped into my brain
just do my best lor
as long as no need to retake cds jiu hao le..

happy for ryn~~
may she find her happiness REAL soon~
and my that one is so busy nowadays that he got no time for me..
projects projects pls go away soon!!!
give him back to me! (:

每天第一件事is love~~!!<3

to shiyi: update liao..dun eeyer me liao ok??(=