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Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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just returned from workfunction ended early so wen...
staying overnight at aunty house tonight with my c...
Oh ya..bout my resultsgot it thru sms when i was h...
12th marchworking13th marchworking..14th march whi...
girls outing at Orchardwent Douby Ghaut to have ou...
super busy ytd...work like siao man...30 complaint...
went to IT show with yi ma ytd..bought acer aspire...
6th marchhad a fashion show in Shang by a famous d...
Sorry ya all for not blogging for such a long time...


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Written at Wednesday, 19 March 2008 | back to top

heyya, im back from chalet
although most of our class din come
but i think overall, we enjoyed ourselves very much
me, ryn, shiyi, miki, zheng hong, janson and gerald plus edwin from a2 lol

our guys in our class can actually do almost all the things that the girls can do
they actually took very well care of us girls
setting the fire, cooking for us etc
i rem ytd night(18th), we drank alcohol
zheng hong bought back hooch for us
one bottle per person
then he oso bought carlsberg
my face actually got very hot and RED after drinking hooch (i oso drank bacardi in e afternoon) and few mouths of carlsberg
got quite high..hahas!!!
zheng hong were like saying to the other girls," eh she drunk liao, bring her upstairs leh"
but actually im really very qingxing, only got high
zhenghong got very funny after drinking carlsberg
his face was PALE but he cant count after that
super funny, kept showing ban lark but his cards were not ban lark
everyone was like laughing at him

after the guys stopped gambling, they went upstairs to sleep
only left me, miki, ryn and her ken
quite awkward
i went upstairs then after that miki came up
left only the couple downstairs ALONE
shiyi was outside talking to ricky
ricky fetched her back at 330 in e morning

had a girls' talk with miki
then we slept..

woke up at 9 plus
packed my things
we had to check out before 10am
waited for the housekeeping to come to check
then we went to e office to settle payment
waited for 11.15am shuttle bus for some time
took bus to bedk inter
had breakfast cum lunch home sweet home

i only got to know ytd is janson's birthday
so happy belated birthday, janson!!!