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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Oh ya..bout my resultsgot it thru sms when i was h...
12th marchworking13th marchworking..14th march whi...
girls outing at Orchardwent Douby Ghaut to have ou...
super busy ytd...work like siao man...30 complaint...
went to IT show with yi ma ytd..bought acer aspire...
6th marchhad a fashion show in Shang by a famous d...
Sorry ya all for not blogging for such a long time...
An headache on the day when after 2 days is ur exa...
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How we spend our valentine's day..


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Written at Saturday, 15 March 2008 | back to top

staying overnight at aunty house tonight with my cousin sabrina
working at 5 tml..

Oh ya, im going to HONGKONG and THAILAND on 21th march
his sup paper is on 24th
he said he will wait for me to come back
im wanting so badly to see him
i've been waiting for him sooo long
no choice..who call me to promise him that i'll wait for him until this sem ends
now, he have to wait for me in return
and i've been feeling soo bad for not giving him valentines' and birthday present YET!!!
though he din ask from me, i still feel guilty
i shall get my cookies done when i came back from hk
and see whether i can get anything for him in hk
seeing my friends working in shang together with their boyfriends, they looked so sweet
and im so envious of them:(
he will go to work in shang when his sup paper ends YAY!!!
that means i can see him every day, every min, every sec!!!
im mad..((:

cya guys on mon...