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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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haha!its a happy day today..he called me and dated...
erm...just came back from TM with kiki and also ah...
firstly, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL!!had a happ...
another time spent from taking pictures..i think ...
went to Marine Parade today to help kiki take her ...
let pictures do the talking..this is usual routine...
reached home at 2 plus ytd in e morningim the last...
26th feb630am-woke up to bathe..810am-reached tamp...
totally screw up both my bmic and bnf test manthis...
FRIENDSTER HOROSCOPE (quite true!!)It might feel l...


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How we spend our valentine's day..
Written at Saturday, 16 February 2008 | back to top

can see which one is kiki's and which is mine??
definitely an east qn for sisters..
Thanks to mr and mrs white,
we had a free ride to orchard..
we went to cineleisure first
watched movie
i watched gong fu guan lan for e second time
hey mama, you owe me a big time lol
had lunch at BBQ CHICKEN first time
so sad that there aint any tvxq video..
saw an ahjuma..
she's so cute..
asked kiki bout her LV bag when she saw us..
she kept peeping and smiling at us too..
she even spoke korean to us..
cuz we mentioned that we like korea
she asked us in korean whether the food is nice
when we finished
we two are like the noisest there lo..lol
thats fun..
cam-whoring while waiting for our food..
but kiki is the main character that day, isnt she??
bought one cute lil dress at cine

after movie, kiki says she wanna go Ngee Ann City to see branded..
wow,i tell you the feeling you step inside
your status like got increase a bit you noe
so class inside
went into Dior, kiki was like seeing shades
the staffs (or securities?) inside was looking at us
murmuring in their walkie talkies
wa..like we are thiefs like that so scary!!
then, Tiffany & Co (necklaces there aint that very nice after all)
and lastly, Gucci (kiki's fav shop)
wanted to buy a bag but her phone is out of batt so cant call to ask her mom..
Kinokuniya lastly
met with some interesting things when we are going out of Ngee Ann..
Jap guys are indeed cute and stylish..
we then went far east to shop
i bought a heels at mondo
and kiki bought a skull lace bag at her fav shop.
ate at Mogu Mogu..
food is cute..(refer to pic up there)
i felt that food is ok..
but kiki says that its not nice..lol
home sweet home..
this is how we spend our valentine's day..