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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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firstly, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL!!had a happ...
another time spent from taking pictures..i think ...
went to Marine Parade today to help kiki take her ...
let pictures do the talking..this is usual routine...
reached home at 2 plus ytd in e morningim the last...
26th feb630am-woke up to bathe..810am-reached tamp...
totally screw up both my bmic and bnf test manthis...
FRIENDSTER HOROSCOPE (quite true!!)It might feel l...
EXAM TIMETABLE IS OUT!!Bmic-22 FebBNF-25 FebFC-26 ...
had csas test today..felt so panicky before it cuz...


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Written at Tuesday, 12 February 2008 | back to top

erm...just came back from TM with kiki and also ah hong..
actually theres shiyi with us
i accompanied her to buy pressie for ***** then kiki wanted to watch movie
then ah hong wanted to watch movie with mama
we went to eat lunch after shopping
shiyi left after that and went to look ricky
so left me mama and ah hong
mama wanted to watch movie with me (we already say beforehand le)
ah hong then wanted to watch movie with mama ONLY
so i didn want to watch with them then
cuz i dun wanna be a light bulb
but mama asked me to accompany her...so.....

was so awkward with ah hong around
cuz he kept saying that i was a light bulb
feeling wasnt very comfortable of course
and he kept asking me to call him PAPA!!
omg.. cant do it man
then mama was like very helpless
cuz she didn know how to reject him

in the cinema, i was like holding mama hand
then ah hong said ," eh..can u dun hold her hand?? make me xin yang yang leh"
mama then went to toilet
then ah hong turned to me and said ONCE AGAIN ," eh, can u let me and ur mama......( fa zhan)"
he was doing gestures with his hand when he trying to mean fa zhan
so this is what he meant
i feel that he is so kong bu lo
mama thinks that too
but she dunno how to reject

we watched CJ7
it was nice!
overall it was nice watchng movie with ah hong
other than those stated above...

and V Day is coming!!!!
day after tml...
and i dun even have plans yet
-he haven date me out yet...
-i dunno if he's free...
will i still have my V day????