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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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erm...just came back from TM with kiki and also ah...
firstly, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL!!had a happ...
another time spent from taking pictures..i think ...
went to Marine Parade today to help kiki take her ...
let pictures do the talking..this is usual routine...
reached home at 2 plus ytd in e morningim the last...
26th feb630am-woke up to bathe..810am-reached tamp...
totally screw up both my bmic and bnf test manthis...
FRIENDSTER HOROSCOPE (quite true!!)It might feel l...
EXAM TIMETABLE IS OUT!!Bmic-22 FebBNF-25 FebFC-26 ...


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Written at Wednesday, 13 February 2008 | back to top

its a happy day today..
he called me and dated me out today!
cuz he got no class in e afternoon
waited for me at Plaza Singapura from 1pm to 4.30pm..
thats so sweet of him..
also, he explained to me
cuz i made a small tantrum ytd..hahas!!
watched GONG FU GUAN LAN...

just feel that he's so SWEET!
he removed his watch and wore it on e another hand to prevent the watch from scratching my hand..etc..
its all these small little things
that made me love him more(:

bmic pract tml
yet not much studied
well done man~~