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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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woots! today i just released early..as shang is cu...
working at 530 today..so happy because im gonna se...
went to work today at 11amwas so tired so i didn s...
skipped work in the line todaysimply too tired and...
3 more weeks to school reopenjia you jia you!!!sha...
sorry guys for not updating oftenlynot because im ...
finished work at 5pm todaystruggling to wake up at...
felt that clouds are so pretty suddenly..really pr...
24TH marchdidn go out as planned because his broth...
msged him on 23rd to ask him whether what he want...


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Written at Wednesday, 16 April 2008 | back to top

oh gosh..im ssick!!!
and he's sick too
hahas! we din spread to each other
but just coincidental..
he got fever while i got flu, sore throat, cough and slight fever
felt so xinku while sleeping at night
kept waking up to clear my nose as its blocked
and im still working tml..
i guess im still able to work
its in the afternoon btw..
omg! i wanna see him..
i wonder hows his fever le....