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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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oh my god!i have a thousand and million things to ...
so long no update lewent to work ytdits kinda rela...
finally done something for CaT ytdmet rynryn at te...
i just hoped that i can pass NLS and CaT..good luc...
Im gonna make full use of whatever time i have lef...
FI is quite easy eh..so happy to say thatbut i thi...
我们之间是不是有沟通问题。。。。我也不知道。。working hard for FIstress i...
so much to do and so little time..counting down 5 ...
oh this is my bruise todaywhat shape does it look...
finally finished my FI report and 3 day food recor...


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Written at Tuesday, 17 June 2008 | back to top

first of all. i'm not a birdy ya...shiyi......=D
so now im gonna update
had NLS project today
all of us done our part of research
and so we helped out with modifying e meal plan
its hard yeah
no matter how we changed..

me, shiyi, xiao b were all FAMISHED
yes, famished is e word
we haven had any breakfast before we went meeting
so by the time we finished our project
first thing in our mind is to go eat!
we were so hungry until we are thinking where is the nearest place we could go to eat
haha LOL
at last we went tampines interchange mac to eat
we all had McSpicy

after that, home sweet home
accompanied my cousin to buy food when i arrived
and saw google on e way
she's going to work
haha....didn notice her hair
my cousin told me that she dyed copper brown
oh ya...its very light brownish in colour