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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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things have been settledlooks like i have misunder...
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A Perfectly Good Heart lyricsWhy would you wanna b...
i tried to be like as normali suppressed my feelin...
my best budds....plus bencuz got no picture taken...
Really thanks SCB for ur concernthanks coryn for a...
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Written at Wednesday, 25 June 2008 | back to top

a tiring yet happy day for me
slept in FPQA tut for a while and yet ms mah din scold me
wah so good hor
sleep a while in NLS lect and CaT lect
almost all lect i got sleep today
haii..no choice
really very tired leh
this ask me not to sleep so late next time
a lesson for me..lols

meet xd at my house bus stop after school
he sent me back home jiu go back le
a bit sadded but no choice
he has to go home to tidy up
cuz his brother coming back tml ler..
at least he fulfiled his promise