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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Lastly, the Garfieldwho accompanied me todayhuggin...
突然觉得大人的感情世界好难了解好矛盾但,我想说的是妈妈....振作点!! 不管结果如何是不是你想要的...
哈哈 原来昨晚你电话被没收了害我白担心了 went to FPQA meeting todaydon...
唉.... 我真的好想你一天没见到面就仿佛像是一年好久好久真希望我们能快点见到面怎么没回我呀没事吧...
first of all. i'm not a birdy ya...shiyi......=Dso...
oh my god!i have a thousand and million things to ...
so long no update lewent to work ytdits kinda rela...
finally done something for CaT ytdmet rynryn at te...
i just hoped that i can pass NLS and CaT..good luc...
Im gonna make full use of whatever time i have lef...


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Written at Friday, 20 June 2008 | back to top

dao face

the dirty but cute cat(:

friendly face~~
went to shopping today
went to Bugis first
and shiyi got what she wanted to buy from there
its a fruitful trip eh..
after eating at food junction, we went to take neoprints..haha
after that, we headed to orchard shangri-la
they were all very nice to accompany me to go shang to get my voucher
walked a long long route
we were all tired and perspiring
esp shiyi
sorry ppl, i really felt bad to make u all go with me
and ryn was amazed by the steam jacketed kettle shang had!! LOL
shiyi says that our managers there are dao
haha..they are esp when they are in a bad mood
we took shang shuttle bus to go to far east
cuz e weather was too hot and we were tired...
ryn went home after that...
so shiyi, me and ben went to walk around in far east
shiyi and i were all restless le
no mood to go shopping le
somemore, we got no money oso LOL
so can only see but cannot buy ):
after that, we walked all the way to cineleisure
after touring around, we decided to go home
we walked all the way back to Lucky Plaza to take 65 back home
haha...legs aching!!
waited for quite some time for the bus to come
trip back home is also quite long
shiyi was talking the phone
me and ben zZZZ-ing
it's been long since we have gone shopping
many projects to do during our holidays
and holiday is so short! 2 weeks!
its really nice to be able to go walking and keeping our projects aside for the day
especially with best budds!!(:
i love ya all(: