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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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唉.... 我真的好想你一天没见到面就仿佛像是一年好久好久真希望我们能快点见到面怎么没回我呀没事吧...
first of all. i'm not a birdy ya...shiyi......=Dso...
oh my god!i have a thousand and million things to ...
so long no update lewent to work ytdits kinda rela...
finally done something for CaT ytdmet rynryn at te...
i just hoped that i can pass NLS and CaT..good luc...
Im gonna make full use of whatever time i have lef...
FI is quite easy eh..so happy to say thatbut i thi...
我们之间是不是有沟通问题。。。。我也不知道。。working hard for FIstress i...
so much to do and so little time..counting down 5 ...


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Written at Wednesday, 18 June 2008 | back to top

went to FPQA meeting today
done much of the reports
left onli a bit
woo yea!
was late though for today's meeting
sorry, members
i'm so restless throughout e meeting
cant sit still
cuz didn had my breakfast so was so hungry until so irritated
so decided to go have our lunch first
ate at salad bar
after that, went SAR to continue our project
had fun doing our project (:
now so tired
prob taking a nap first later before doing my floorplan for ApFS
jia you~~!!!!(: