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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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first of all. i'm not a birdy ya...shiyi......=Dso...
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Written at Thursday, 19 June 2008 | back to top

Lastly, the Garfield
who accompanied me today
hugging it doing project and hugging it to sleep(:
always the -_-" face LOL NlS project meeting at Ben house today
went to Shiyi's house at 1030am
did my floorplan there >.<
ytd too tired and lazy..haha
shiyi is still sleeping when i reached her house doorstep lo
shiyi, see i so good
go find u??
haha...next time cannot pai chi wo like today horr
haha joking(:

ben's mama very good
knowing that we didn have our brunch,
she cooked spagetti for us
nice nice(:
she even prepared drinks, oreos and apples for us
i ate most of e apples haha
cuz very nice(:

after finalising our project, we watched movies
three in total
It is my Legend, one war show
another one i dunno e title
e movies all very sadistic de
slept during e last show
cuz very tired
then got headache like got hammer hitting on my forehead

after that, ben sent us down to take bus
home sweet home(: