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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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vivien has made a decisionwhich she will never thi...
hahasa tiring yet happy day for meslept in FPQA tu...
things have been settledlooks like i have misunder...
things are not solved yet...
A Perfectly Good Heart lyricsWhy would you wanna b...
i tried to be like as normali suppressed my feelin...
my best budds....plus bencuz got no picture taken...
Really thanks SCB for ur concernthanks coryn for a...


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Written at Friday, 27 June 2008 | back to top

u want me to go back to ur side
but u have got no promise that u can commit
how selfish u can be.....
i realise my tears can still drop when i hear any songs regarding to us
how useless i can be....