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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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went to shang reluctantly ytdto take photo for the...
damn.. viv became crybaby lercried ytdcried todayc...
ytd afternoonyi bin and i went to work together an...
was in the blur sleepy mode for the whole dayi wen...
he is running a feveri hope it will subside soon 好...
went shang to collect pay for last fridaymet up wi...
i oso missed ah ma and all of ueverything is not w...
YAY!YUPPIE!finally apfs presentation is over!OVER!...
i will think thru what u said todayguess u noe who...


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Written at Friday, 22 August 2008 | back to top

forgot to add on some happy things lol
good news for me lar
ytd when i'm in shang, i met one of my working friend
she asked me whether have i lost some weight
happy yeah
but i din notice
then i told her i dun think so cuz i din notice much changes

then at night when me, jie jie and mummy went to 85 to eat
my father's friend the uncle he said i lost weight too~~!!!
happy SO HAPPY to hear that lor~~~~~~