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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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was in the blur sleepy mode for the whole dayi wen...
he is running a feveri hope it will subside soon 好...
went shang to collect pay for last fridaymet up wi...
i oso missed ah ma and all of ueverything is not w...
YAY!YUPPIE!finally apfs presentation is over!OVER!...
i will think thru what u said todayguess u noe who...
i'm feeling miserableeven a single message u dun e...
Flavor Of LifeArigatou to kimi ni iwareru to nanda...
finally...left only CaT and ApFS presentation and ...


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Written at Saturday, 16 August 2008 | back to top

ytd afternoon
yi bin and i went to work together
and watched our sg team ping pong competition
at first i thought sg lose ler
cuz when we boarded the bus, li jia wei was like so depressed the face
then i heard ppl saying lose le lar li jia wei lose le lar
then it was advertisement ler
i quickly msg shiyi that sg lose ler cuz she wanted to watch the ping pong match very much.
then after that we realise we haven lost yet..yeah
msg shiyi again but she din reply..hahas

we reached there super early
so long never take ur own time to eat ler
everytime was like reushing to change,tie hair, make up
and rushing to eat..
only me and yibin worked at 530
whereas the rest worked at 5
yi bin was like thinking how come only the two of us worked at 530
we asked the clerk
we are working at the other place
lucky us
the rest was working at Island ballroom
800pax dinner and dance
while urs
VIPS but is buffet dinner
so nth to do lor
only need more attention given, topping up wines beverages and clearing the plate they finish
kept walking and standing
especially the joint part
auntie oso having leg pain too
yi bin too!
hahas too long never worked or what
we are still fortunate de..
after the guests had left, we still had to do set up for 40 pax lunch
yeah..after cleaning up the place,
we finished at about 1230
and home sweet home~~
tired like siao
slept without drying my hair

off to study yeah
so relunctant but no choice
i will remember your motivation
was so happy that u cared for me ytd
even though u wouldnt say it out..