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Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Written at Sunday, 7 September 2008 | back to top

just back from night cycling trip
kinda fun but dangerous too
i almost thought i cant survive there..
but we all did and we are the fastest!
yay! group 1
job well done eh

and i was super shuay there
who will be so shuay to fall into holes TWO times?
blame on the person in front of me who slowed down or stopped
i should not have fallen into the water puddle at first
if the second man din stop, kiki would not stopped
and i would not have fallen in....
for the second grass hole, its kinda of dangerous there, very slippery..
and the road was not balanced, slanted..
the person in front of me was slow..
so i dropped in lor
hahas..cant get up cuz it was kinda deep
got two person helped me up THANKS A MILLION though i dunno u both

east side is better compared to west side
west side has more difficulty in the sense that it has more muddy roady, rocky downslide road(dangerous!)
esp when all of us have already drained out of energy after the first half in the east side
however, everyone of us persevered and completed the twilight trail
the sight from the top of the mountain is indeed beautiful..
i din manage to see the german girl shrine..
kinda of scared by the tale the ac people told us
and melvin scared me with another tale that two people died at the bridge when i has just cycled past it..and i was the second last
was looking forward to the last thing of the night cycling trail
the steamboat!!
got lots of yummy ingredients unexpectedly
but wind was blowing strongly by then
very cold!
started raining when we almost finished the food
third shuay thing: my bag got dirtied by the soup chicken stock
cuz xiao b got no more energy to hold the metal tin containing the food and soup
wasted food...

bathed immediately when i reached home at bout nine plus in the morning
jie jie still sleeping soundly
got a shock when i took the my socks and washed my feet
it was as rough as the tree bulk
it was as pale as the corpse skin
i nearly thought it wasnt my feet LOL
went straight to sleep after that
woke up at 3 plus in the afternoon
my cousin then texted me in the afternoon that my aunty wanted me to stay overnight ytd night
cuz she hurt her waist then wanted me to help her do light gardening
cant sleep totally at night
my leg was itchy like mad
eyes are droopy head is spinning
i was obviously tired but cant fall into sleep
told aunty bout my feet
she tried giving me raw aloe vera gel to apply on my leg to see it really works like what ppl had said
it really eased the itchiness
she gave cream for me after i bathed

went wisma atria just now
bought a pair of nike sneakers at royal sporting house
YAY! finally
really happy..
byebye gtg~!
class chalet tml
too bad i cant stay overnight
best bargain i got from my mom...