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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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Daddy's birthday today~!mummy and i went to TM for...
was out with kiki today to orchardwe went to bedok...
Bling Bling~~ Me and shiyi at Night Safarithis ph...
my ezlink card is officially lostdamn to e one who...
YAY!!HURRAY~!vivi EXAMS ARE OVER~!OVER!!apfs is o ...
this is my cousin, Sabrina..taken last saturday wh...
NLS is downthree more days three more days~~yay!FI...
last day to prepare for NLS tml..最后一天冲刺啦加油加油!tryin...
yeahforgot to add on some happy things lolgood new...
went to shang reluctantly ytdto take photo for the...


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Written at Wednesday, 3 September 2008 | back to top

look like maid, sitting at e side
cuz she dun dare sit beside papa..LOL