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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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slept after i reach home after my csas class ended...
fri and satbeen accompaning and playing with di d...
SCVK~~~~<3 angel~i love this picture expecially23r...
omgi never think there will be such a person exist...
Hi all!TIMETABLE IS OUT!!~kinda pleased with this ...
yay!got my LG Kc550 pink and ipod nano pink!wa..we...
AH!LG KC550im so in love with thisbesides its 5 me...


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Written at Sunday, 2 November 2008 | back to top

quite fruitful and enjoyable weekends
went cycling ytd evening with didi and daddy
daddy have to go to teach didi cycling
he cant even cycling on four wheels
cycling on four wheels should be easy ya, he could but he was so slow paddling on the paddles..
then he still told daddy to take out his two small wheels
if take out ar, he cant cycle at all
he still bragged that he can cycle
basketball court is occupied so we can only play at the void deck

went cycling again just now
he still cant cycle
scared this scared that
he keep blaming on the things that make him cant cycle
floor not smooth not flat la..etc la
buay tahan him
i however had a good little workout
basketball court is empty
just played little there

fpqap and comn research done
left only csas
i hate csas!