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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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forgot to update something!u may think im stunning...
im so busy this week!just like coryn said just one...
AdFS quiz tml..was rebonding my hair nowcus i foun...
been quite busy in school todayjust done with ComN...
my new year resolutions:-improve on my studies-hop...
the cute cat i accompany to bugis to collect..ver...
my heart is hurting...
school reopening soon...YUCKS!
satwent yunnan to check up on my hairi realised my...


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disappointing post
Written at Tuesday, 20 January 2009 | back to top

i feel so depressed today
or rather dissappointed with myself
i failed my PBPN tut today
i failed the previous one too
im kinda bothered with it

and and..i cant find my value for texture analyzer in FPQAP lab test
haiiz i dunno why leh
thats what we always do
but but we cant get the value leh including jojo too


while doing my resume ytd,
i was pasting in my results
and for that moment, i felt really dissapointed in myself
my grades are so lousy
maybe i din put in enough effort?? ):

i hope i hope...
to get better grades this time round


i saw an interview of quan yi feng
she said that she spoil her child a little
so that her child will not be like her
so deaperate for love
and i like something she said
' i hope to give my daughter lots of love so next time when she find a boyfriend, dun choose him if he does not give her as much love as i did'
i find this quote really meaningful
maybe i should stand by this principle too
i should find a guy who loves me more than my mother did
for now, i have no intention of getting a boyfriend now
i wanna focus on my studies...