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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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today's sfp lab is fun..our group did the soft pea...
Life is unfair..and im going to accept it..
我一直都在遥望着 你背影有孤单 太苍白我多么想陪着你走过人山人海当天空变灰白你的忧伤澎湃我多么想走...
today got back sfp..got quite good results..but no...
MY MAMA 回来了!!but we three daughters din go fetch h...
My Thoughts~


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Written at Friday, 29 June 2007 | back to top

Today's class is kinda boring..
mostly all lectures..
the only interesting part is during PIPC lecture..
we managed to 'chase' out all the idiotic BMS people..
all the A7A1-4 crowded at all the possible exits and refused to go..
the BMS people still can so think-skinned sit there..
the teacher oso very jia lat one..
we told her that we are supposed to occupy that LT and she can even tell us that she did not know and tell us to sit somewhere..
if that is so,then whats the use of the sitting guide??
might as well dun use it den..
finally, the teacher flashed the sitting guide and asked those irrelevant people to move to the other LTs..
and then the BMS people picked their butts up and move..
they are so damn thick-skinned and irritating..
so kiasu like what like dat..
even if they are not going to move, we're still gonna stand there and not move too..
thats our LT..whats wrong with them!!
we still won anyway today..

PIPC teacher is boring..
todays pipc lesson is boring..
i tot i screwed the paper..
in the end, i just passed and i noe i wont do well for that..
but however, i still pass..hahas
goons work harder for this subject for this upcoming semestral exam!!
Hwaiting!! ^^

CSAS lesson..the lesson i particularly don't like..(who likes it anyway)
was told that there are many failures for CSAS..bout 40% of the cohort i think..
HAP is much worse..70% percent..
omg! i wonder did i pass it..
but lucky..i passed my CSAS..just passed!!
im contented..hehes ^^
and mext week is our impromptu speech test..
OMG!! i hated speech..
alone somemore..omg..
so many pairs of eyes staring at you..
i wanna faint le...
and im the last some more..