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Enjoy your stay and have fun!

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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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im so disappointed today..i tot i will get my pay....
hi..today got nothing interesting la..i think so.....
today's a sad day for mi..i din do well for my mat...
i didn blog yeaterday..coz too tired and too late ...
Today's class is kinda boring..mostly all lectures...
today's sfp lab is fun..our group did the soft pea...
Life is unfair..and im going to accept it..
我一直都在遥望着 你背影有孤单 太苍白我多么想陪着你走过人山人海当天空变灰白你的忧伤澎湃我多么想走...
today got back sfp..got quite good results..but no...


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Written at Wednesday, 4 July 2007 | back to top

u know what i have seen?
just now i was at the forum..
then saw ppl talking bout junsu in the tagboard..
they are talking bout there's junsu at mediacorp website for the 校花校草..
hahas..so funny!!
the votes are quite high too..!!
u can go see yourself..
hahas!! super funny..
mediacorp din even notice that..
kim junsu fron nyp some more..

im so itchy!!!
feeling extremely not well..
if i look like a weirdo tml..(with many red patches)
this is reason...
hahas!! ^^