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Profile Blog Credits
I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


Daily Reads
Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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finally i can go interview already..but..i wonder ...
was soo bored today..went to work..late as usual.....
Nasi Lemak Chicken Curry i forgot what is this.....
I never thought that there will be someone like me...
so..this is the 'neoprints' that we tookPICTURES S...
aigoo..why you look so sad?you should be happy!!s...
me and becky me and jing wan ying ryn, google a...
Let mi tell you all more about what i have done fo...
At KFC..LOL!! pressies from the girls to the teac...
im so happy! have a new blogskin that i <3>went ba...


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Written at Wednesday, 12 September 2007 | back to top

sorry for not updating yesterday..
was dead beat when i reached home..
so this is what i do ytd..
this is my breakfast cum lunch
vegetarian fried bee hoon( healthy version)
i cook de!!!

snapshot of yi bin cooking her i dunno how to spell..hehes
my fish for fish and chips!!!

i am so happy since yesterday and today..

i was allowed to work at Shangrila hotel and oso to GO FOR TVXQ CONCERT..

but theres no holiday at late Nov and early Dec..

so i dunno whether i can go or not..sadded...

heard from ryn in her blog that shiyi's bf is going back today

dun be sad ya~he will still come back de...SMILE my sister(: