Hi and welcome to my blog ;D Have a nice time browsing my blog. A tag in my tagboard will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Enjoy your stay and have fun!

Profile Blog Credits
I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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cant upload rest of my pics so make do yawill uplo...
To do list- Clear my cupboard and table(so proud o...
two more days and school reopens..im in year two n...
oh gosh..im ssick!!!and he's sick toohahas! we din...
woots! today i just released early..as shang is cu...
working at 530 today..so happy because im gonna se...
went to work today at 11amwas so tired so i didn s...
skipped work in the line todaysimply too tired and...
3 more weeks to school reopenjia you jia you!!!sha...


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Written at Thursday, 24 April 2008 | back to top

went to the Food and Hospitality Asia event in Singapore expo
therefore we only have 2 lessons
they are all chocolates!
cute huh?
i love the i <3>
shit cant upload rest of e pics
i have tons of them taken today
but cant upload T.T
if you wan to view them,
can go visit shiyi's blog..(: