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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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i hate the weather nowso humid and hoteven after r...
oh goshim feeling stress stress stress..4 group pr...
vivien is so sad todaycuz i broke water goblets to...
oh...my god didi(: <3 sweet potato snack from Seo...
lol..i feel very happy..over e rainbows should say...
we have made it up...feeling sad the whole day tod...
i know i should not be feeling this waybut i just ...
totally have got no idea on where to start fromwhe...
went to the Food and Hospitality Asia event in Sin...
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Written at Tuesday, 6 May 2008 | back to top

8am to 1pm of constant studying..
no break!
wa..can die man
luckily me and kiki went to buy burger from Flavours before we went for lecture
we also had some finger food when theres some time for us
i really think that the timetable really sucks
but we had no choice, cant change it anyway

i was so tired that i cant bring myself to stay awake in AFS Dr Lee tutorial
really kind of him to let me sleep for a while and then woke me up TOTALLY by asking me whether i was alright lol

went to business park for lunch after FI lecture
saw a really cute guy hehe
first time our 'tastes' are the same
me, kiki and ryn wahaha!
he looks kinda pretty and cute

had my dreaded two hour break, waiting for my jap tutorial
it was fun
i was looking forward to every next tutorial
kubo sensei..lol
kubo sensei ga suki desu
felicia san ga tetomo suki desu!

went home and did my FPQA research
bacteria bacteria bacteria
i think i'll be a bacteria expert next time wahaha!

he's working now..
this whole week from 6pm to 10pm ..omg..
felt so xin tong
so xinku of him to go working till 10pm after school
he still has to do homework when he reaches home
im afraid that he might get sick
his school oso starts early in the morning like me
he says wants to earn more money so he can bring me out