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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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totally have got no idea on where to start fromwhe...
went to the Food and Hospitality Asia event in Sin...
cant upload rest of my pics so make do yawill uplo...
To do list- Clear my cupboard and table(so proud o...
two more days and school reopens..im in year two n...
oh gosh..im ssick!!!and he's sick toohahas! we din...
woots! today i just released early..as shang is cu...
working at 530 today..so happy because im gonna se...
went to work today at 11amwas so tired so i didn s...


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Written at Sunday, 27 April 2008 | back to top

i know i should not be feeling this way
but i just cant help myself from having this feeling
i felt sad when he didn reply my msg
i know he can be very busy helping his bro out with his business...
i actually lost confidence in myself
i'll have all these sinful thoughts in my mind
has he stopped loving me anymore...
will he find someone better for him...
he has assured to me before but...
i dunno y

just like now, he's online
but he din reply me
perhaps he's not the one online

will falling in love makes you a weird person?
i should have trust in him...