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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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oh goshi wanna worki needa workbut sad thing is i ...
8am to 1pm of constant studying..no break!wa..can ...
i hate the weather nowso humid and hoteven after r...
oh goshim feeling stress stress stress..4 group pr...
vivien is so sad todaycuz i broke water goblets to...
oh...my god didi(: <3 sweet potato snack from Seo...
lol..i feel very happy..over e rainbows should say...
we have made it up...feeling sad the whole day tod...
i know i should not be feeling this waybut i just ...


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Written at Friday, 9 May 2008 | back to top

intending not to go work tml
wont care whether they have got enough staffs tml
since they so cruel and cancel my shift today
i only made one mistake..
and they wont give me a chance to repay

as told by yee zhen earlier in the afternoon,
starteam theory test is tml at 1pm
but i'm doing our group project tml too!
i think im gonna give this up too
even though, i have always always wanted to be a starteam
get prize money, get more pay....
but i guess the higher u go, the more expectations ppl will have on u
this is a only reason to make me feel better ba..

feeling blue today..