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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Written at Wednesday, 17 September 2008 | back to top

i started today at 6am..
woke up at late 4 plus or early 5am?
was so tired that i almost cant wake up
eyes cant open lol
i managed to pull myself up and go wash up

theres only one event in the morning today
which is the....wait let me think.....workforce development agency?
they got a talk with rolls royce chief execetive sir john rose
then im working in the vip room
very relax
a lot of standing
then at about 9 plus, when guest are leaving, me and my friend have to go greet the guest goodbye at the exit
i swear i almost slept
give me three more seconds and im sure i can sleep
sure de!
damn tired de....):

then after work (we are released early today at 3plus i think?), then me, yee zhen and yi bin went out to eat with alvin and manjit(both are managers)
cuz alvin birthday is coming then we go celebrate
alvin treating us
we went orchard tower downunder bar
no food there and only alcoholic drinks there
so we ordered juices
and alvin and manjit went to buy food for us
haha! they are nice ,arent they?

then we go shopping at far east
yi bin went first cuz she's dead beat already
i then went later cuz yee zhen still want to shop some more
went home, slept until 9pm?
have my dinner, bathed and now there, im using my com