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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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went out todayfirstly meet shiyi at changi airport...
Three months pastand time is creeping damn slow li...
i really wanted my badge and pass for souvenir bu...
saving box, badgepresents from SCK celebrated my 1...
went out with kiki todayvery happycuz i bought alo...
i started today at 6am..woke up at late 4 plus or ...
with my new friend, santisay hellos!!WANT TO SEE ...


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Written at Saturday, 4 October 2008 | back to top

FROM THE LEFT: me, miao hui, sun mu xin, chen shi, manager Joshua, song lin lin, li xia, cong jing and yu yi
one formal take for all the black jackets
from top: Chris Ho, Alvin (this is e one with the "CHEE BYE!"), zheng hong, bar men dunno what name, sedia, jason
from bottom left: cong jing, joanne, michelle, dunno what name, joshua, sha sha, me, rui juan, rachel, yuyi the three of us were very lucky to be selected by Alvin to be captain for that day
cuz captains got not enough
so we were very lucky to get selected
from left: Cong Jing, Yu Yi and me

you all must be wondering why are we taking so many photos
cuz that day is joshua last day of work in Singapore
he is promoted to work in shangri-la in Dubai
he is really a very nice manager
everyone of us loves him
All the Best wishes to him~!