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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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accessory shopping
disappointing post
forgot to update something!u may think im stunning...
im so busy this week!just like coryn said just one...
AdFS quiz tml..was rebonding my hair nowcus i foun...
been quite busy in school todayjust done with ComN...
my new year resolutions:-improve on my studies-hop...
the cute cat i accompany to bugis to collect..ver...
my heart is hurting...
school reopening soon...YUCKS!


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Written at Monday, 26 January 2009 | back to top

lazy to blog la
but since im here
i'll just blog something

happy new year!~
went to my grandma house as usual to bai nian
too bad this year new year sabrina, zhen zhen, aunty and uncle are not in singapore
they went to USA~~
i should be in USA too
too bad because i have school ):

i heard i have two quizzes coming this week
and FPQAP final interview
so i'm not looking forward to next week eh

too bad only got two days holidays
i haven play enough lar!!

and exams are coming in a month's time?
then im gonna be in year 3
SIP and major project will be coming soon
then i'll graduate

thats all =.=
off to watch my taiwan tv serial