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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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V DAY~went out with kiki, jia qi, xiao wan and ha...
the cough medicine is so strong!20ml and i am down...
heard from mom ytd that maybe daddy gonna quit his...
my latest addiction..Docomo Sharp SH-01Ait include...
haha this is WULI junsu with his bro junhoLOL so ...
projects finally coming to an endby TML~!adfs and ...
lazy to blog labut since im herei'll just blog som...
accessory shopping
disappointing post
forgot to update something!u may think im stunning...


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Written at Tuesday, 24 February 2009 | back to top

officially holiday today...
bye bye to mugging and stressful days!

today's paper is kinda easy but i made a damn stupid mistake
18 marks question!!!
i'm about to forget about it
whats done is done already
and you know what
i saw something funny today
we're having exam in the sports hall today
and i am sitting in the first row
in the middle of the exam, a crow let off a 'bomb' and landed on
damn funny

i'm still imagining the expression of the invigilator LOL
after that, i went out with ryn to far east
i almost banged my head onto the wall today
u know what,
i spent all my cash already
so i do not have any cash with me
i intended to pay with nets
but however, my nets are left with only $47 dollars!
initially i gave my mom ang bao money to deposit it in
but she didn.... ////
paying money becomes a chore
to long to explain it here
ryn knows what happenthe vendor is kind enough
thank her a lot, next time i go patronise ur shop k?? LOL
in the end, i buy a cute bag and a necklace
they are so KOREANISH!!
love them to the bits
especially korea stuffs like.. RIBBONS?

heys all, u can tell im crazy here right?
haha yea
im happy thats why..
sayonara, bye bye, 拜拜