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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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everybody, 七夕节快乐!!i know we dont celebrate this in...
东北大拉皮a 小菜in the shuijiao shopi swear its nice~spic...
hi all, this is vivien here~ hahafirstly, there is...
a truth that came too late
had a SCVK outing~got my earphones like funnyprett...
read someone's blog just now..just felt ridiculous...
day out with kiki todaylunch at Tampines 1 Manpuku...
was watching Voice 亡者之音..very nice and the storyli...
no more designing, this is what we do today


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Continuing with Nanchang Trip~~
Written at Wednesday, 26 August 2009 | back to top

i'll shall talk about the places we had gone to and our experiences~
above are the pictures taken from 秋水广场~~
its a beside a lake~
and whats special about it?
it has musical fountain stretched along the whole place~
when the music plays exactly at 9pm (if i rem correctly), there will be fountain coming out with the rhythm of the music~~very amazing and zhuang guan in reality..
my senior told me that at the end of the session, there will be one shoot of water at the highest~~
very very zhuang guan~~~
i really loved it~
but i think the others didn feel that amazed as i felt. .
i really enjoyed it~!! hehe
shall talk about the other places in the next post~
stay tuned! haha