Hi and welcome to my blog ;D Have a nice time browsing my blog. A tag in my tagboard will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Enjoy your stay and have fun!

Profile Blog Credits
I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


Daily Reads
Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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hi all, this is vivien here~ hahafirstly, there is...
a truth that came too late
had a SCVK outing~got my earphones like funnyprett...
read someone's blog just now..just felt ridiculous...
day out with kiki todaylunch at Tampines 1 Manpuku...
was watching Voice 亡者之音..very nice and the storyli...
no more designing, this is what we do today
im gonna become a mute as time goes on..
In house SIP bleah!!
Something wonderful i never expected it to happen,...


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Written at Tuesday, 18 August 2009 | back to top

sorry for the delay in updating...
im really lazy to update..
its said that, a habit is cultivated in 21 days..
so during the days in nanchang, i've now got a habit of not updating of my blog..
thats explains my laziness now!

its good to be out with them again....

mood not very good this few days..
pls dun ask peeps~~~

more to come in the next post..

dear dear diary, pls let me be happy again!