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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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a truth that came too late
had a SCVK outing~got my earphones like funnyprett...
read someone's blog just now..just felt ridiculous...
day out with kiki todaylunch at Tampines 1 Manpuku...
was watching Voice 亡者之音..very nice and the storyli...
no more designing, this is what we do today
im gonna become a mute as time goes on..
In house SIP bleah!!
Something wonderful i never expected it to happen,...
been working Loyalty Centre for a week plus.erm, n...


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Written at Thursday, 4 June 2009 | back to top

hi all, this is vivien here~ haha
firstly, there is no photos cus i cant upload it.
pictures are available in facebook (=
I have been in nanchang for 2 weeks and 4 days.
we have experienced many things during this short period.
first day 19th of May, i stepped out of my house door with an excited but unsure of what i will face in nanchang.
855am flight, we are running late for it.
To think we are one of the last passengers to board the plane.
i boarded the flight with a heart full of hope and happiness.
we took Xiamen airline which i have never taken before.
we reached xiamen at 12pm plus.
at 3.30pm,we boarded the plane to nanchang which is an hour flight.
reached nanchang at 5pm plus.
i found out i lost my phone when i was walking out of the plane.
told the officer there, one of the officer helped me went in to search in the plane.
unfortunately, it wasnt found. and i was very certain it is in the airplane cabin.too bad too bad..
first phone call home to ask my mom to cancel my roaming service,i got dressed down by daddy and mummy.
Meizu(teacher) picked us up at the airport and we headed to the school bus.
it is a cooling day that day.
it was about 18-19 degrees celsius.
we are kinda shocked by that weather because we are told that it will be very hot at that time.
i remembered one uncle asked me whether am i korean when i am waiting to board the school bus.
it did light up my mood a little after i got dressed down. LOL
we then proceed to our hostel to place our luggage and went for dinner.
the dinner is sumptuous. i mean really sumptuous like hotel standard.
we had about 8 or 9 courses? and it is about 300-400 rmb, freaking cheap.
and our dinner tha day is paid by nanchang uni,haha~~(=
after dinner,we reached hostel at about 10 plus.
4 of the girls squeezed into one room.
its kinda cosy actually, i did like that idea.
the room is very dirty.
we did some cleaning up, setting of mattress and bathing after which we rest for the night.
i am shocked when i saw the toilet and bathing room.
the girls toilet got no light but it has door and the guys toilet got no door but it has light.
theres no heater so the water is cold!ICY COLD i mean.
we almost died!
and we rested for the night.
this is the end of the first day~~~