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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Something wonderful i never expected it to happen,...
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my dream came true~~~
13th march
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In house SIP bleah!!
Written at Wednesday, 8 April 2009 | back to top

As our VISA is not ready,
we all will be having sip in house which really sucks
we didn expect that the document will take such a long time to arrive
its only the document for the application for the visa, not even the application is done WTH
haii australia group is waiting for their visa to arrive
i guess they will fly off earlier than us

so first day, me and michelle are supposed to meet ms azlina at 830am
actually the meeting time should be 1pm but its changed last minute
saw rina and meijun there oso
so we went to meet our respective teacher
in the end, ms azlina said the four of us are with her
had a briefing on what we need to do
which is to design a 'postcard' to be placed behind the menu in a standing flipping photo album (just like those in IKEA restaurant)
one person is to design 6 in first day
second day 4
today 4 more
brain cells becoming lesser and lesser man from thinking on the design concepts
really tiring to wake up so early and staring into the computer screen the whole day

i hope i hope....
our document will arrive tml and we can go china earlier!!
really sucks to do in house SIP