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Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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heya, feel like making a blog post and so, i did!~...
i thought i have forgotten about ubut....i could b...
V DAY~went out with kiki, jia qi, xiao wan and ha...
the cough medicine is so strong!20ml and i am down...
heard from mom ytd that maybe daddy gonna quit his...
my latest addiction..Docomo Sharp SH-01Ait include...
haha this is WULI junsu with his bro junhoLOL so ...
projects finally coming to an endby TML~!adfs and ...


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Written at Tuesday, 3 March 2009 | back to top

trying on the boots
i din buy this in the end,cus not enough money
will buy another one next month hehe(:
looks so princessy..
Etude House in City Square
Assam Laksa
sour sour, very appetising
totally different from singapore laksa
First meal of the day,
Fish head curry

me and ah may jie jie

we're setting out~~!!!

in bugis waiting for ah may jie jie~

we arranged to meet ah may jie jie at bugis
and we went out at 8 plus in the morning
after which, we took a bus in
malaysia got a new custom
very nice, like our airport terminal 3
but i cant take picture
cus from what ah may jie jie says, property which belongs to the government,
we cant take photo of it
once i almost forgot bout it and take out my phone,
and i got warn by the female security there OPPS!

we went holiday plaza, first stop
bought my two jeans there, one long skinny denim and 3/4 denim
their cloth quality is so good, better than what u can find in the streets in sg
and its cheap too
i bought 2 tees
after that, ah may jiejie brought me to the stop which i wanna go
i've been waiting to go man
saw 2 nice boots
one long and shorter one
in the end, i bought the shorter one
due to insufficient money, i bought only one
ah may jiejie then promised me to bring me go again to buy
probably next month?

had the fish head curry there
very nice~
and oh ya, i found a wallet while walking in city square
actually i tripped on it while walking
and ah may jiejie found it
we then went to the post to post the wallet back to the person
as there is ic and many other cards inside

cabbed down to city square
all of us din have much money left when we are there
i wanted to go skin food and we went
bought a one of eyeshadows inclusive of 3 colours and a eyeliner
it will be so much cheaper as compared to singapore
went etude house next
me and mama totally got no money
whats left is only my 身价 LOL
nice shop
will go patronise next month when we go there again

i promised to clear the whole city square next month

im damn tired~
really lazy to blog
and oh ya, i went swimming today
due to time constraint, we went for about 45 mins
i only swim for half a lap and i have to rest alr LOL
too long din exercise alr...
backache and handaches!