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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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i thought i have forgotten about ubut....i could b...
V DAY~went out with kiki, jia qi, xiao wan and ha...
the cough medicine is so strong!20ml and i am down...
heard from mom ytd that maybe daddy gonna quit his...
my latest addiction..Docomo Sharp SH-01Ait include...
haha this is WULI junsu with his bro junhoLOL so ...
projects finally coming to an endby TML~!adfs and ...
lazy to blog labut since im herei'll just blog som...


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Written at Monday, 2 March 2009 | back to top

heya, feel like making a blog post
and so, i did!~

guess what?
i felt better now.. SERIOUSLY!
after having a talk with sy ytd night..
relationships after all is still not that important
i mean BGR
as compared to kinship and friendship
i made those beloved people worry for me
heh heh not very good eh..sorry for making them worried for me
all i need is some more time
and i can make it!

thanks ryn
ure really sweet!
for the picture u sent me and the tag in facebook

due to boredom, i was reading xiaxue blog just now
i just enjoy reading her blog for past time
didn understand why she has so many anti-fan
from her blog, i saw that theres another well known blogger called dawn yang
i googled her and found her blog
so i read it
although dawn yang may be pretty and slim, i still prefer xiaxue though
as in i liked xiaxue's writing style
she write what she thinks
her blog is more reader friendly too

inferiority just overcomes me sometimes... ...

in a conversation with google ytd, we were talking about my rs problems
surprisingly, it was very comfortable talking to her that night
she actually told me that i'm a pretty girl (i seldom hear this from my friends, apart from those aunties and uncles) and deserves someone better
really embarrassing but thank you!
friends around me told me the same thing too!
can i really find a better person??
i hope so...